Guerilla Marketing & Projections

As part of a small team, I traveled to Helsinki, Finland, for the infamous Trump-Putin presidential summit where along with some expert projectionists we guerilla broadcast LGBTQ+ messaging and HRC branding onto the presidential palace. Our director of comms had picked an amazing spot in view of all the live TV networks, and I livestreamed the projection to social media across all our channels simultaneously for hours to amplify. During those years, the HRC team also projected multiple times onto the Trump Hotel in D.C. and onto HRC headquarters. A snippet of the Helsinki projection is below.

Client: Human Rights Campaign

Role: Producer, Cinematographer

Run Time: The full stream and projection ran for a couple hours the night before the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki, Finland. Robin Bell and team were responsible for the projection itself.


“Meet the Human Rights Campaign's New President Alphonso David”


“Hillary Clinton's Rousing, Inspiring Tribute to Edie Windsor”