Republicans for Beto

While following Beto O’Rourke on the campaign trail, I noticed a number of Republicans coming up to Beto in photo lines, restaurants, and even parking lots to tell the gubernatorial candidate that they were “card-carrying Republicans” and were voting Beto. I immediately turned on my camera, interviewing and filming the GOP-ers about their support for Beto, then cutting the clips into short, simple social media videos that valued authenticity over gloss. Some of the folks I found were fed to the paid media firms and featured in ads. Beltway experts credited me with innovating a new style of political video and consistently praised the campaign’s storytelling. The social media videos themselves generated millions of views and were some of the most popular videos of the campaign.

Client: Beto for Texas

Role: Producer, Editor, Cinematographer

Run Time: 1:36


League of Conservation Voters 2023 Capitol Dinner Launch Film


Gun Owners for Beto